6 Important Facts Undocumented People Need to Know About Filing a Personal Injury Claim

undocumented personal injury


Navigating the complexities of personal injury law can be challenging for anyone, but it is especially daunting for undocumented individuals. Many undocumented people may feel hesitant or fearful to pursue legal action due to concerns about their immigration status. However, it is crucial to understand that your immigration status does not diminish your rights. Regardless of your documentation, you have the right to seek justice and compensation if you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence.

This blog post will outline your legal rights and provide essential information to help you understand the crucial steps you need to take to protect yourself if you are undocumented and need to file a personal injury claim. By knowing your rights and the legal avenues available, you can confidently pursue the compensation you deserve without fear. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge needed to navigate the legal system effectively, ensuring that you receive the justice you are entitled to, irrespective of your immigration status.

1. You Have the Right to File a Personal Injury Claim

Every individual, including those without legal immigration status, has the right to file a personal injury claim. It is important to understand that the law protects your right to seek compensation if you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence.

Your immigration status should not deter you from pursuing justice. Whether you are documented or undocumented, you have the legal right to hold the responsible party accountable for your injuries. This right is fundamental and applies to everyone, ensuring that you receive the support and compensation you deserve.

Legal systems in the United States prioritize your injury and damages over your immigration status. This means that courts focus on the facts of your case and the extent of your injuries rather than your immigration status. As a result, you can confidently seek rightful compensation, knowing that the law is on your side regardless of your legal standing.

2. Personal Injury Law Protects Everyone

Personal injury law is designed to be inclusive, ensuring protection for everyone within the jurisdiction, regardless of their immigration status. This inclusivity is vital for maintaining justice and fairness in our legal system, as it focuses solely on the injury and the damages suffered by the individual. The primary concern of personal injury law is to address the harm caused to the victim rather than scrutinizing their immigration status.

One of the key statutes supporting this inclusive approach is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI of the Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. This provision ensures that individuals, regardless of their immigration status, can access legal remedies if they have been injured due to another’s negligence.

Moreover, judicial precedents have consistently upheld the rights of undocumented individuals in personal injury cases. In the landmark case of Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB, the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that immigration status does not strip an individual of their entitlement to remedies under federal labor laws. Although this case specifically dealt with labor laws, it set a precedent affirming that the legal protections extend to all individuals, irrespective of their immigration status.

This legal framework ensures that justice is served based on the facts of the case, not on the plaintiff’s immigration status. It allows undocumented individuals to confidently seek legal redress for their injuries, knowing that the law is on their side. In essence, personal injury law embodies the principle that every person deserves protection and the right to seek compensation for their injuries, fostering a more just and equitable society.

3. You Won’t Be Reported to Immigration Authorities

A significant concern for undocumented individuals is the fear of being reported to immigration authorities. This fear often deters many from seeking the legal assistance they desperately need. However, it is crucial to understand that client-lawyer confidentiality is a cornerstone of legal practice. Attorneys are legally and ethically bound to keep your information confidential. This means that your immigration status is protected under these confidentiality rules, ensuring that seeking legal help does not jeopardize your presence in the country.

Client-lawyer confidentiality is enshrined in the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, specifically Rule 1.6, which dictates that a lawyer shall not reveal information relating to the representation of a client unless the client gives informed consent. This rule is designed to protect clients and ensure that they can speak freely and openly with their attorneys without fear of repercussions.

Furthermore, several legal protections ensure that your immigration status is not disclosed to authorities during the legal process. For example, the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides individuals with the right against self-incrimination, which can be interpreted to protect undocumented individuals from having to reveal their immigration status in court.

In addition, under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), certain provisions protect undocumented individuals who are victims of crime or abuse. The U visa, for instance, is specifically designed to provide temporary legal status to undocumented immigrants who have been victims of certain crimes and are willing to assist law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of those crimes. This ensures that victims can seek help without fear of deportation.

Overall, these laws and protections work together to ensure that undocumented individuals can seek legal assistance without the fear of being reported to immigration authorities. It is essential to know your rights and to feel confident in the confidentiality that legal professionals are obligated to uphold.

4. You May Be Entitled To Compensation

When you file a personal injury claim, there are several types of compensation you may be eligible to receive. Understanding these can help you gauge what you might be entitled to and prepare accordingly. Here are the primary forms of compensation you could expect:

Medical Bills

Medical bills encompass all past and future medical expenses that arise due to your injury. This includes not only immediate treatment costs, such as emergency room visits and surgeries, but also ongoing medical care, such as physical therapy, medication, and follow-up appointments. It’s essential to keep detailed records of all medical expenses, as they will be critical in proving your claim and ensuring you receive full compensation for your medical needs.

Lost Wages

Lost wages refer to the compensation for the income you have lost because of your inability to work due to the injury. This may include the time you have already missed from work as well as any future time you might be unable to work while recovering. Lost wages can also cover a reduction in your earning capacity if your injury prevents you from performing your job as you did before. Proper documentation, such as pay stubs, tax returns, and a letter from your employer, can support your claim for lost wages. However, there may be specific situations where it could come up, such as when calculating lost wages if you are working without documentation.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering compensation is intended to provide monetary relief for the physical pain and emotional distress that your injury has caused. Unlike medical bills and lost wages, pain and suffering are more subjective and can be harder to quantify. However, factors such as the severity of your injury, the duration of your recovery, and the impact on your quality of life are taken into consideration. This type of compensation acknowledges the non-economic damages that you have endured.

Common Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can arise from various incidents, with some of the most common being car accidents, workplace injuries, and slip and fall incidents. Each of these situations can result in significant injuries and necessitate a thorough understanding of the types of compensation available.

  • Car Accidents: Often result in serious injuries requiring extensive medical treatment and time off work.
  • Workplace Injuries: Can lead to long-term disabilities affecting your ability to perform your job.
  • Slip and Falls: May cause severe injuries, particularly in older adults, leading to substantial medical bills and recovery time.

Understanding Compensation Types

Knowing the different types of compensation you may be entitled to is crucial when filing a personal injury claim. By understanding and documenting your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, you can build a strong case for the compensation you deserve. This knowledge not only helps you prepare for the claims process but also ensures you are adequately compensated for the hardships you have faced due to your injury.

5. Documenting Your Injury and Expenses May Be The Most Important Part of Your Case

Proper documentation is critical in a personal injury case. Thorough and organized records can make the difference between a successful claim and a drawn-out legal battle. Here are essential steps to take to ensure you have all the necessary documentation to support your case:

Medical Records

First and foremost, ensure that all your medical treatments and consultations are documented meticulously. This includes initial emergency room visits, follow-up appointments with your primary care physician, specialist consultations, physical therapy sessions, and any other medical treatments related to your injury. Keep copies of all medical reports, prescriptions, treatment plans, and bills. Detailed medical records serve as vital evidence of the extent and severity of your injuries, and they establish a clear link between the accident and your medical condition.

Evidence Collection

Gathering evidence is another crucial step. Start by taking photographs of your injuries from different angles, capturing the progression of bruises, cuts, or other visible damage. Additionally, photograph the accident scene, noting any hazardous conditions or contributing factors. If the accident involved a vehicle, document the damage to all vehicles involved, road conditions, and traffic signs. Consistent and clear photographic evidence can significantly bolster your claim by providing a visual account of the incident and its aftermath.

Witness Statements

Collecting statements from witnesses who can corroborate your account of the incident is essential. Witnesses provide an unbiased perspective and can validate your version of events. Obtain contact information from anyone who saw the accident or was present at the scene. If possible, ask them to write down their observations and experiences as soon as possible while their memories are fresh. Witness statements can be pivotal in establishing fault and supporting your claims about how the accident occurred.

Financial Documentation

In addition to medical records and evidence from the scene, it is important to document all related expenses. This includes medical bills, prescription costs, transportation expenses for medical appointments, lost wages due to time off work, and any other financial losses incurred as a result of the injury. Keeping detailed records of these expenses helps to ensure that you are fully compensated for all the costs associated with your injury.

Organized Documentation

Maintaining thorough and organized documentation will strengthen your case and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Use folders or binders to keep all documents categorized and easily accessible. Consider keeping digital copies of all documents as a backup. Providing your attorney with a well-organized and comprehensive record of your injury and related expenses enables them to build a stronger case on your behalf.

By following these steps, you ensure that you have all the necessary documentation to support your personal injury claim, enhancing your chances of achieving a successful and fair resolution.

6. Understanding the Legal Process of a Personal Injury Claim is Crucial for Your Success

Filing a personal injury claim involves several critical stages that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Here’s a detailed look at each step:


The investigation phase in a personal injury claim involves gathering evidence to support the case. This includes reviewing medical records, obtaining accident reports, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing photos or videos of the incident. The goal is to establish liability and assess the extent of the damages to build a strong case for compensation.

Filing the Claim

If your case is not settled before the time in which a claim must be filed with the courts, the legal process begins with the filing of the necessary paperwork. This initial stage involves submitting a complaint to the court, which officially initiates your lawsuit. The complaint outlines the facts of your case, the legal basis for your claim, and the compensation you are seeking. Filing the claim correctly is crucial, as any errors or omissions can delay the process or even result in your case being dismissed. Your attorney will ensure that all required documents are properly prepared and submitted on time.


The discovery phase in a personal injury claim is when both parties exchange information and evidence related to the case. This includes written questions (interrogatories), requests for documents, and depositions, where witnesses and involved parties provide sworn testimony. The goal is to uncover facts and clarify the strengths and weaknesses of each side’s case before going to trial.


Once the claim is filed, the negotiation phase typically begins. During this stage, your lawyer will engage with the defendant or their insurance company to attempt to reach a settlement. Negotiations can involve multiple rounds of offers and counteroffers as both sides work towards an agreement. A successful negotiation can save time and resources by avoiding a lengthy court battle. It’s important to follow your lawyer’s guidance during this process, as they will have the expertise to evaluate settlement offers and advise you on the best course of action.

Court Proceedings

If a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, the case may proceed to court. This stage involves presenting your case before a judge or jury, who will ultimately decide the outcome. Court proceedings can be complex and time-consuming, requiring thorough preparation and a strong legal strategy. Your lawyer will play a crucial role in gathering evidence, presenting arguments, and cross-examining witnesses to build a compelling case on your behalf.

The Importance of Understanding the Process

Understanding the legal process and closely following your lawyer’s advice is essential for navigating a personal injury claim effectively. Each case is unique, and timelines can vary widely depending on the specifics of your situation. By staying informed and proactive, you can help ensure that your case progresses smoothly and that you are well-prepared for each stage of the process.

Being actively involved and maintaining open communication with your attorney can significantly impact the success of your claim. Remember, the legal process is designed to provide you with a fair opportunity to seek compensation for your injuries. With the right legal support and a clear understanding of what to expect, you can confidently pursue your personal injury claim.

FAQs: Filing Personal Injury Claims as an Undocumented Person

1. Can undocumented individuals file personal injury claims?

Yes, undocumented individuals can file personal injury claims in the United States. The law provides that anyone, regardless of their immigration status, has the right to seek compensation for injuries caused by someone else’s negligence. This right is rooted in the principle that legal protection and the right to pursue justice are fundamental for everyone within U.S. borders.

2. Will my immigration status affect my personal injury claim?

Your immigration status should not affect the validity of your personal injury claim. Courts focus on the facts of the case, such as the circumstances of the injury and the liability of the responsible party, rather than the plaintiff’s immigration status. However, it is important to have legal representation that is experienced in handling cases involving undocumented individuals to navigate any potential complications.

3. Can I be deported for filing a personal injury claim?

Filing a personal injury claim does not automatically lead to deportation. Legal proceedings related to personal injury are generally separate from immigration enforcement. However, there are risks involved, and it is crucial to consult with an attorney who can advise you on how to proceed safely and protect your rights.

4. What kind of compensation can I seek in a personal injury claim?

As an undocumented individual, you are entitled to seek the same types of compensation as any other plaintiff. This can include:

  • Medical expenses: Compensation for all related medical bills, both current and future.
  • Lost wages: Reimbursement for income lost due to the injury.
  • Pain and suffering: Monetary compensation for physical and emotional distress.
  • Property damage: Costs to repair or replace damaged property.

5. Do I need to disclose my immigration status when filing a claim?

Typically, your immigration status is not relevant to your personal injury claim and should not need to be disclosed. However, there may be specific situations where it could come up, such as when calculating lost wages if you are working without documentation. An experienced attorney can help you navigate these issues to minimize risks.

6. How can an attorney help me with my personal injury claim?

An attorney can provide invaluable assistance by:

  • Guiding you through the legal process: Ensuring you understand your rights and options.
  • Collecting and presenting evidence: Strengthening your case to maximize compensation.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies: Securing fair settlements without discrimination based on your status.
  • Protecting your confidentiality: Taking steps to minimize the exposure of your immigration status.

7. What should I do if I am injured and undocumented?

If you are injured, it is important to:

  • Seek medical attention: Prioritize your health and document your injuries.
  • Consult an attorney: Find legal representation experienced in handling cases for undocumented individuals.
  • Document everything: Keep records of your injuries, medical treatments, and any communications related to your case.

By understanding your rights and seeking proper legal guidance, you can effectively pursue a personal injury claim and secure the compensation you deserve, regardless of your immigration status.

Additional Resources

To better support our clients and community, we have compiled a list of valuable resources:

  1. Helpful Organizations and Websites:
    • National Workers’ Compensation Organization: Provides comprehensive information on workers’ rights and compensation claims.
    • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): Offers guidelines and resources for maintaining workplace safety.
  2. Recommended Readings for Further Information:
  3. Local Support Groups and Advocacy Organizations:
    • New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice (NJAIJ): A coalition of immigrant rights organizations providing advocacy, legal support, and community education. NJAIJ offers resources and guidance for undocumented individuals navigating legal issues, including personal injury cases.
    • Make the Road New Jersey: This organization offers legal services, community support, and advocacy for immigrants. They focus on workers’ rights, including protections for those who have been injured and fear retaliation from employers.


In summary, undocumented individuals have the right to seek compensation for personal injuries. The law does not discriminate based on immigration status when it comes to personal injury claims. If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you have the right to pursue justice and hold the responsible party accountable, regardless of your immigration status. This right is protected under both state and federal laws, ensuring that everyone has access to the legal system for redress.

Do not let your immigration status prevent you from seeking the compensation you deserve. Fear of deportation or other immigration consequences can be paralyzing, but it should not deter you from pursuing justice. Personal injury claims are separate from immigration issues, and your right to compensation remains intact. It is essential to understand that the legal protections for injury victims extend to all individuals, providing a pathway to recovery and justice.

The Commitment of Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen to Supporting Victims of Personal Injury

Understanding personal injury law can be complex, but it’s crucial for anyone who finds themselves or a loved one affected by an injury due to someone else’s negligence. At Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen, our dedication to supporting victims of personal injury in New Jersey is unwavering. Our approach is deeply rooted in a compassionate understanding of the challenges you face, combined with a relentless pursuit of justice and compensation on your behalf.

Personal injury law in New Jersey encompasses a wide range of incidents, including automobile accidents, workplace injuries, medical malpractice, and slip and fall accidents, among others. These laws are designed to protect individuals who have been injured, physically or psychologically, as a result of the negligence or wrongdoing of another person, company, government agency, or other entity. Our firm stands at the forefront of advocating for victims’ rights, ensuring they receive the legal representation necessary to navigate these complex scenarios.

At Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen, we pride ourselves on our “People First” approach. This philosophy is not just a tagline; it is the cornerstone of how we operate. We understand that behind every case is a human story, with real suffering and real needs. Our team takes the time to understand the intricacies of your situation, offering personalized legal strategies tailored to your unique circumstances. We believe in building strong, empathetic relationships with our clients, ensuring they feel heard, supported, and confident in their legal representation.

Our commitment extends beyond the courtroom. We are actively involved in the New Jersey community, providing support and resources to those affected by personal injuries. This dedication to community engagement allows us to advocate for our clients and drive positive change, raising awareness about safety and prevention.

The path to recovery and justice can be long and fraught with challenges. However, with Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen by your side, you are not alone. Our expertise in New Jersey personal injury law, combined with our unwavering commitment to our clients, ensures that your case is in the best possible hands. We fight tirelessly to secure the compensation and justice you deserve, helping you move forward with your life.

The landscape of personal injury law in New Jersey is complex, but the mission of Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen is simple: to provide exceptional legal representation with a personal touch. We believe in putting people first, fighting for the rights of victims, and making a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve. If you or a loved one has been affected by a personal injury, know that Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen is here to support you every step of the way.

Free Consultation with Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen

Concluding our comprehensive guide to Personal Injury Law New Jersey, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of seeking professional legal advice to navigate the complexities of personal injury cases. At Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen, we understand the overwhelming challenges victims face following an injury. Our approach is deeply rooted in the philosophy of putting people first, ensuring that your rights and well-being are prioritized throughout the legal process.

In line with our commitment to accessibility and support for injury victims, Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen proudly offers a no-obligation, free consultation to individuals in New Jersey. This initial consultation serves as a critical step for potential clients to understand their legal rights, the merits of their case, and the pathway to justice and compensation.

Why Choose Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen for Your Free Consultation?

  • Expertise in New Jersey Personal Injury Law: Our team brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success in personal injury claims across New Jersey. We’re equipped with the knowledge and resources to navigate the state’s unique legal landscape effectively.
  • Personalized Legal Strategy: Understanding that each case is unique, we provide personalized legal strategies tailored to the specifics of your situation. During your free consultation, we’ll assess the details of your case, answer your questions, and outline a preliminary strategy to pursue the best possible outcome.
  • Commitment to Clients: Our firm operates on the principle of putting people first. This means that from your first interaction with us during the free consultation, you’ll experience our dedication to your case, transparency in communication, and a compassionate approach to legal representation.
  • Trilingual Team: Recognizing the diverse community we serve, Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen is proud to offer services in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Our trilingual team ensures that you can communicate in the language you are most comfortable with, making the legal process more accessible and understandable.
  • No Upfront Costs: We offer our services on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay any upfront legal fees. We only get paid if we win your case. This approach underscores our confidence in our ability to help you and ensures that our interests are fully aligned with yours.
Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen - The People First Lawyers

File for Personal Injury Benefits With Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen – New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers

Kotlar, Hernandez & Cohen – The People First Lawyers have been helping injured workers with their New Jersey personal injury claims since 1995. We work tirelessly for our clients to ensure you receive medical care, financial compensation, and justice, regardless of an adjuster or insurance carrier’s claim denials. With four Board Certified Workers’ Compensation Law attorneys on our team, we are well-equipped to handle your personal injury or illness claim.

If you’re thinking about filing a personal injury claim or if you’re experiencing physical pain in any way, contact our law firm to schedule a free consultation or call us 24/7 at (856) 751-7676.

José W. Hernandez, Partner

José is Board-Certified by the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney and a Life Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, a select group of attorneys who have successfully handled cases that resulted in a recovery of $1 million or more for their clients.

Read more about José here.

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